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Token Items

Started by Sad Panda, December 26, 2010, 09:29:39 PM

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Sad Panda

Can you make items that are purchasable with tokens available from monsters? Make them really rare to get though, especially barrows and dragon gloves.


I do not support this idea because it would take away the recognition that people deserve away from them from lvl 96's getting a b gloves drop. If it was a 1\10000 i would probably change my opinion...
'Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.' - Dr. Martin Luther King
Ryan, Jeremy, Jake, Jose, Kevin, Oscar, Wouter, Marcio, Andy, Alex, Alex[Kumkwat], Luke, Avery, Kyle, Mazen, Omar, Connor, Tyren, Amanda, Stephani, Maxi, Aaron, Jeremy(ramp), Sean, Ramón, Kevin(tom), Dylan, Ross, Bill, Maarten, RATMAN, COLESHOT, RYAN1, I HAZ BACKUP, White Angel,  ALL OF YOU ROCK THE WORLD AND MAKE ME FEEL ALIVE. Mo is what makes me feel.
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Sad Panda

That's what I meant by really rare. It would probably be a little harder than that to be honest.


No there's enough already of good drops and rare drops as it is for now at least.
'Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.' - Dr. Martin Luther King
Ryan, Jeremy, Jake, Jose, Kevin, Oscar, Wouter, Marcio, Andy, Alex, Alex[Kumkwat], Luke, Avery, Kyle, Mazen, Omar, Connor, Tyren, Amanda, Stephani, Maxi, Aaron, Jeremy(ramp), Sean, Ramón, Kevin(tom), Dylan, Ross, Bill, Maarten, RATMAN, COLESHOT, RYAN1, I HAZ BACKUP, White Angel,  ALL OF YOU ROCK THE WORLD AND MAKE ME FEEL ALIVE. Mo is what makes me feel.
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â"Œâˆ©â"(●_●)â"Œâˆ©â"ï»¿ To all you nice pop song haters..

Vee Dub

I think leave it like it is, If anything should be changed it should be the prices of the items.

Sad Panda

No, I like the price of the items. Not everyone can get it, so the items stay rare..

Vee Dub

Quote from: Killer Panda on December 28, 2010, 11:51:04 PM
No, I like the price of the items. Not everyone can get it, so the items stay rare..
Yes but you just know if you add them as drops Oscar, Rivin Etc will get 100 of them.

Although adding them as drops wouldn't hurt to much, I guess.


I suggest no drops for the gloves.
Either decreasing the price.

Leaving it the same will be much better for everyone who worked hard on getting tokens for the gloves.

So cute :3
Best Achievement
1:#1 135 fishing.


I think they should stay how they are. Because it isn't fair for us who worked hard to get them, when suddenly an update comes and we could have gotten them 3 times sooner.

Quote from: Recoil on April 18, 2012, 06:21:22 PM
Quote from: X on April 18, 2012, 06:20:22 PM
Quote from: Recoil on April 18, 2012, 05:59:45 PM
Da fuq are you doing in a graffiti painted hobo dungeon for?

Just lost all the respect I once had for you.

Sad Panda

I'm suggesting that the items be very hard to get. Maybe an 0.001% drop rate from Black Dragons in the wilderness. 0.001% for all of them combined, not each one is that. So each one would be considerably hard to get.


Quote from: Killer Panda on December 29, 2010, 12:06:36 AM
I'm suggesting that the items be very hard to get. Maybe an 0.001% drop rate from Black Dragons in the wilderness. 0.001% for all of them combined, not each one is that. So each one would be considerably hard to get.

Don't make me whip out your Corp idea again.. :P

Quote from: Recoil on April 18, 2012, 06:21:22 PM
Quote from: X on April 18, 2012, 06:20:22 PM
Quote from: Recoil on April 18, 2012, 05:59:45 PM
Da fuq are you doing in a graffiti painted hobo dungeon for?

Just lost all the respect I once had for you.

Sad Panda

That idea works for everything, doesn't it? Ok, but it would be 100% drop rate and it would drop every item. That thing would be a b*tch to kill. It'd be a b*tch to code it too. First you have to find someone to design it and it's actions. Then you have to code all of it's stats. Then all of the baracades that follow it around. Then throw all of that into the game... I'd hate to be that guy. If only it was made. =|


Quote from: Killer Panda on December 29, 2010, 12:06:36 AM
I'm suggesting that the items be very hard to get. Maybe an 0.001% drop rate from Black Dragons in the wilderness. 0.001% for all of them combined, not each one is that. So each one would be considerably hard to get.
It's not only about the drop rate...

You may never know when on what kill you get the gloves.

So it's better for doing a lot of camp games, killing people on funpk, or buying tokens to buy those gloves.

So cute :3
Best Achievement
1:#1 135 fishing.

Sad Panda

Ultimately the richest players end up with the tokens though. Will you notice that Pk It3 and Hockeyguy are never at camp? It's because they are always buying them instead. It takes much less time to get way more tickets. I could go on and buy over 5000 tickets tonight. I won't get 5000 tickets on my own all next year.


Actually pk it3 has been at camp for probably more games then me... btu not sure about hockey..
Also maybe because people have been collecting some monster drops and making 10m each week?
'Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.' - Dr. Martin Luther King
Ryan, Jeremy, Jake, Jose, Kevin, Oscar, Wouter, Marcio, Andy, Alex, Alex[Kumkwat], Luke, Avery, Kyle, Mazen, Omar, Connor, Tyren, Amanda, Stephani, Maxi, Aaron, Jeremy(ramp), Sean, Ramón, Kevin(tom), Dylan, Ross, Bill, Maarten, RATMAN, COLESHOT, RYAN1, I HAZ BACKUP, White Angel,  ALL OF YOU ROCK THE WORLD AND MAKE ME FEEL ALIVE. Mo is what makes me feel.
My Skype username = Private! Get away :(
WSB trailer-

â"Œâˆ©â"(●_●)â"Œâˆ©â"ï»¿ To all you nice pop song haters..