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Started by Voltimolt, October 13, 2010, 07:23:28 AM

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Teamviewer is the most efficient way to have someone else to help you with any problem you are dealing with on your computer, any problem other then internet problems because you need internet to get others to help you.

Please note: Giving other people access to your computer makes them allow themselves do whatever they want, so make sure you are watching what they do, if they do something suspicious immediately disconnect your partner to disallow them to affect your computer any longer, Even going to the bathroom is enough for them to make their moves.

It is really recommended but you should watch out, it is safe to enter any password on the computer while your partner is connect because the password are encrypted 32-bit. a.k.a the dark "*".

bear hug

good post for people who need help but to be honest i wouldn't do it.. because
1. i dont need help with anything..
2. risk factor..

I know some people do need help but there are some people who are probably really good with computers on wsb.. in your school.. basically anywhere.. i know for sure there are some people who would love to help you on ws but thanks for posting this anyway im sure it will help many people..

Vee Dub

Well, You need to know who you're TeamViewing with. If not, You'll probably get owned ;D

But the TeamViewer is a great and efficient program.