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Drunk Driving..

Started by Omri, July 30, 2010, 07:42:47 PM

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Well guy's..Today at 7:29..I found out my Step dad died in a drunk driving car wreck..You don't know how upset i am..I'm really gonna miss him..He was my everything..i looked up too him..But everyone..Some kid took my step dads life..Please..Don't drink and drive..If you do you'll just end up hurting someone else..And i'm saying this bc i don't want anyone too loose anyone like i just did..Alright..Well please try too listen too this..Bye guy's..

                                                                                        < R.I.P...Lance Patrick Henry....>..I love you dad..


I'm sorry to hear that Mike. I know that a lot of people don't like you, but let me just tell you, I'm here for you. If you want to talk about anything, I'm availible to you. Just talk to me if you feel upset or anything. I hope you feel better.  :'(

Drunk Mario

I'm very Sorry to hear that Mike. My condolences to you. It's never a happy time when you lose someone you love. Like Tiny said.. If you need someone to talk to about ANYTHING i will listen and try to make you feel better. I'm here for you bro.. Feel free to pm me or talk to me in-game.

Quote from: Connor on May 26, 2011, 12:13:30 PM
I wish it was possible to punch some through a computer screen.

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Guy's.. Thank you..It's just really hard for me atm..


Quote from: Mute on July 30, 2010, 08:44:17 PM
R.I.P Lance Patrick Henry, I may never have known you, but from what I have found out, you were probably really, really awesome.

I agree. By the way, Michael, I also know how it is to lose a family member to drunk driving. My feelings are with you, bro.


Hey, in case you didn't know, I'm Tewi. I know what it's like to lose someone that close, too.
Like everyone else basically said, you can talk to me if you want. Although the first few days you'll probably want to be left alone, you'll want to talk to someone sooner or later.

Best of luck with anything and everything.,644.msg3850.html#msg3850
If you don't read this, you may be kicked, muted or banned without warning and not know why. No, really, read.

The video/song in my profile picture. Same video I got my last one from, if you saw that. Watch at least until the part with her glasses. That part's epic. =P

  -Completely, undeniably, 100% addicted to Touhou and loving it-
Without the internet, Touhou or my thoughts, I have very little a life.

It's really sad that only about 2 of the 115+ characters of Touhou is a guy(Humans in the 'Human Village' don't count. =O), and Touhou is still more manly than "those war games".
That, and Touhou is harder, more challenging, more extremely painful than any game you've ever played. It's no wonder I don't know the difference between Halo, Call of Duty, World at War and the etcetera.


Awh i'm sorry. ): I know what it feels like.
It feels bad because someone else's mistake killed your step-dad.
My best friend died in a crash when he was 8. Because of some drunk idiot.
I know what it's like and i'm sorry. I'm sorry that people have to die because of peoples stupid mistakes.


Vee Dub

I'm really sorry to hear about this man, It's terrible. I'm here if you need anything and my thoughts are with you man.


Thanks guys..this means alot too me..


Hey..One of the forum Mods can lock this if you pls, It's just a reminder for me..Thanks..