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National Girl Mod Day!

Started by Sora, July 28, 2010, 04:45:21 PM

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Quote from: X on July 28, 2010, 10:40:25 PM
The person who is saying "Alex X" is me if any of you noobs are wondering. :-]

Really i thought that was Tiny lol.

Btw i'm the one who said "Chaos" :) idk you ppl usually call me different things -.-  >:(


Really...? Couldn't tell. ;D


Well, Girl Mod Day is over, it was fun lol.
Hope we'll do it next year! XD

Drunk Mario

Okay well there was a mixup.

Con1887 said "uno" but there is a player named "Uno" and that's Daxking. Thanks alot Sean! :P

Quote from: Connor on May 26, 2011, 12:13:30 PM
I wish it was possible to punch some through a computer screen.

~~Personal Achievements~~

- Said to be one of the best Forum Mods
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The first pic is like, PG, the the second one is PG-13. Lol.

Anyways. I'm thinking Sean said Uno because he didn't want people to know it was him.
*Everybody is talking and sharing emotes, meanwhile Sean changes into a girl*
Con1887: I feel... Exposed.

That was the funniest thing I've ever seen Sean do, ever.  ;D,644.msg3850.html#msg3850
If you don't read this, you may be kicked, muted or banned without warning and not know why. No, really, read.

The video/song in my profile picture. Same video I got my last one from, if you saw that. Watch at least until the part with her glasses. That part's epic. =P

  -Completely, undeniably, 100% addicted to Touhou and loving it-
Without the internet, Touhou or my thoughts, I have very little a life.

It's really sad that only about 2 of the 115+ characters of Touhou is a guy(Humans in the 'Human Village' don't count. =O), and Touhou is still more manly than "those war games".
That, and Touhou is harder, more challenging, more extremely painful than any game you've ever played. It's no wonder I don't know the difference between Halo, Call of Duty, World at War and the etcetera.

Drunk Mario

Quote from: Coleshot1 on July 29, 2010, 03:46:54 PM
The first pic is like, PG, the the second one is PG-13. Lol.

Anyways. I'm thinking Sean said Uno because he didn't want people to know it was him.
*Everybody is talking and sharing emotes, meanwhile Sean changes into a girl*
Con1887: I feel... Exposed.

That was the funniest thing I've ever seen Sean do, everr.  ;D
Haha.. Sean's a great guy..

Quote from: Connor on May 26, 2011, 12:13:30 PM
I wish it was possible to punch some through a computer screen.

~~Personal Achievements~~

- Said to be one of the best Forum Mods
- #1 poster
- #1 topic starter
- Max combat achieved In-game
- Good banner maker
- #4 Overall


Haha he is.

I love all the mods :) even some of The Ex-mods  :o

haha :) but i think we should have more mod days or events that involve Us Mods.  Sharing and Having fun!

Rivin X

Quote from: Coleshot1 on July 29, 2010, 03:46:54 PM
The first pic is like, PG, the the second one is PG-13. Lol.

Anyways. I'm thinking Sean said Uno because he didn't want people to know it was him.
*Everybody is talking and sharing emotes, meanwhile Sean changes into a girl*
Con1887: I feel... Exposed.

That was the funniest thing I've ever seen Sean do, ever.  ;D
LOL i'm pretty sure i remember it becoming xxx rated. XD

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