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How to Make a Video? Using Hypercam 2?

Started by IvyX, February 22, 2010, 04:25:15 PM

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How do I make a video using Hypercam 2? Like I want to learn about it-I just got started on it. (Note: I have Windows Movie Maker)


Ok, I hate downloaded Camstudio and the Codec thing. Now what?


Ok, Camstudio was stupid for me. How do I put a recorded Hypercam Video to Windows Movie Maker?


I don't know about your question, but I have one.

Do you need MovieMaker to make a movie....? Or can you just send it straight to YouTube?

Drunk Mario

Quote from: IvyX on February 27, 2010, 06:09:36 PM
Ok, Camstudio was stupid for me. How do I put a recorded Hypercam Video to Windows Movie Maker?
okay open Movie maker and the hyper cam video.

Then save your video to your main file storage place.

Next(you can exit hypercam vid now) go on movie maker and go up to the top left-hand corner and click on " file" then go down to " open project"
then just find your vid in the file you saved it to and there you go.. do whatever you want with your video on there.

Hope this helps! Pm me if you have any questions, or just post here.

Quote from: Connor on May 26, 2011, 12:13:30 PM
I wish it was possible to punch some through a computer screen.

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Quote from: Mute on March 21, 2010, 03:22:28 AM
Quote from: Pk0wnedall on March 21, 2010, 01:12:37 AM
Camstudio is awesome!
You, Sir, have the correct answer.

Quote from: IvyX on February 27, 2010, 06:09:36 PM
Ok, Camstudio was stupid for me.
And I take that as an insult.
Camstudio = Awesome!
Hypercam =  Laggy and bad.

I take that
Quote from: IvyX on February 27, 2010, 06:09:36 PM
Ok, Camstudio was stupid for me.

as an insult aswell.