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Ivy X's Combat Guide

Started by IvyX, February 25, 2010, 12:54:01 AM

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Ivy X's Combat Guide

1. Use ::food in case you do not have any, otherwise you might lose items.\
2. I am not responsible for any items lost.

Step 1: Go log in as a new account, and make sure you keep your iron armour and amulet of power on too.

Step 2: Around Lumbridge, kill Men (Level-2) until you are around a combat level 21-23.

Step 3: Go to Varrock (::etele) and go this way:

You will then see various Skeletons (Level-22) and Guards (Level-21). Battle around until you have a combat level of 50+.

Step 4: Go to ::northpole and kill Otherworldly beings (Level-64). Battle until around above Level 100.

Step 5: Go to ::etele, but this time, go this way:

You will find Shades (Level-120) that will hit high, so stock up on food (best kind is Choc-Ice.).

CONGRATULATIONS!! You now achieved your goal of becoming a Level 172! NOT REALLY! LOL. Well anyways, this sort of helped, right?


The shades are 120 they are 159 and i have a better idea.

When you are level 100 go to ::tele 2190 3324 there are asyn shades there max hit like like 15 and train there untill 140 combat then go to the level 159 shades.

Edit your guide with this ivy, it will help.