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Your Birthday!

Started by IvyX, February 21, 2010, 10:37:18 PM

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Are you under 14 or over it?

14 and under
4 (57.1%)
15 and up
3 (42.9%)
less than 10
0 (0%)
more than 25
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 7

Voting closed: March 07, 2010, 06:55:36 PM


When is your birthday? Tell us when it is so that all of us can celebrate on that day!

Ivy X's Birthday- March 5th, 1997 (LOL, I modified the post. I put in my year  :o )

NOTE:: You do not have to put the year, which means like 1980, 1999, etc.

Volcanic Me

November 19th, 1992. Around a year more and I'll be eighteen.


LOL, my birthday is coming soon. Anyone have any presents for me?  ;D



5th of November, 0000 Lol... :)


If losing makes us stronger where all winners in the end.
- Unknown.

My pimp name: Papa R. Flow o.O


August 12 1994... i think.. i'm not sure about the year honestly... i never ever say anything about it so i'm not sure..
Only YOU can prevent forum fires.

Drunk Mario

Quote from: Connor on May 26, 2011, 12:13:30 PM
I wish it was possible to punch some through a computer screen.

~~Personal Achievements~~

- Said to be one of the best Forum Mods
- #1 poster
- #1 topic starter
- Max combat achieved In-game
- Good banner maker
- #4 Overall



Oct 17, 1991.

NOTE: I take late B-Day gifts lol JK.

Sir Tor

"These soldiers, men and women did not die so you can walk around and talk about how much you hate this country. Wake up you disgraceful pieces of ----."                                                      
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