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quiting if you want...

Started by Joker, January 18, 2010, 06:54:33 PM

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shall i quit?

4 (66.7%)
hello no!
2 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 6


well guys i am quiting if you wanna stay say no if you wanna say yes

Banjo Hick

Are you still gonna be on the forums??


Banjo Hick


Why is everyone quitting did i miss something?
and NO do not quit.
I'm Happy With What I Have Got.


Quote from: Yoho on May 26, 2011, 12:06:29 PM
"Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind"

(Just for the lulz :D)

96% of people won't stand up for God
Put this in your Sig if you are one of the 4% who will"
‎/\/\ /-\ Z E /\/


Well if your quiting because of matt, jose and karla been ban... then your a fool and a noob if you do for that reason... and if not for that then quit if you like but i'd say don't.


I have an answer!

D-O... What comes after D-O?

Oh yeah! D-O-N-'-T.

Drunk Mario

DONT! Please Joker you are one of my best friends on the game and if you quit then i will be narrowed down to only about 100 friends =P lol Please don't quit.

Quote from: Connor on May 26, 2011, 12:13:30 PM
I wish it was possible to punch some through a computer screen.

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- #4 Overall


Quote from: drunk elmo on January 20, 2010, 04:24:20 PM
DONT! Please Joker you are one of my best friends on the game and if you quit then i will be narrowed down to only about 100 friends =P lol Please don't quit.

Lol that sounds like you don't care because you'll still have alot of friends left.


well guys...
thanks but i won't quit...
lock this topic pl0xxxxxxxx.

Banjo Hick


I think peoples should stop post stuff like this. Is this only for getting attention or see how popular you are?


Quote from: Zonekiller on January 25, 2010, 09:12:00 AM
I think peoples should stop post stuff like this. Is this only for getting attention or see how popular you are?
no i was really quiting..i was done... >:(

Banjo Hick

It's not about either of those. You honestly want to quit. You usually realize you don't though...