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Trade Freeze.

Started by huntress, December 10, 2008, 06:04:17 AM

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Alot of people are getting bugged, when people trade other players it freezes on some occasions, It has happened to me and to alot of other players.
It is just us? or the client.. ???
^.~-=MiA ~AKA~HuNtReSs=- ^_~

-=NoThIn ToO SaY=-


might just be lagg sis ???
~Ex Owner Of Blitz 50â,,¢ Ftw!!~

Respect nothing. But Your Beliefs, Stand Up For Them And Stand, To Fight For Ur Rights And Aspects.[move]


No, i don't think it is, Seeing as i don't lag alot and that all the time it freezes even if i have no lag.
I have to restart the client to make it unfreeze.


Yep, there is something wrong with the server. :P
This has happened to me also.
Triniboy: AllGoFree Staff don't get paid, they only get laid.


oo  for me truth..not till i past like lvl 50-60 i stop having lag. Only time i really would get is if im in a area with more than 20-25 people all talking at once..but i never got lag in trade ; yet


I've experienced this multiple times, both The trader and I's client froze.


Me too,

Then after logging back in, I get called and scammer.
I did tried telling dem.