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Started by Mia, January 16, 2010, 08:21:38 PM

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I'm not sure why, but I love this song!!

Not to mention the girls are smokin hawwwtt :P :P

Banjo Hick

Well I read the description on the post and was focused on the girls cause... well cause I'm me... and none of them were that hot by my standards.


You're so negative, I thought they were pretty rockin.   Not as good as Megan Fox *drools*

Banjo Hick

Mia.. are you the second coming of ZeldaGirl?


But everyone loves Megan Fox. 8)

Banjo Hick

O, I forgot about lesbians... Mia....? Nah....? Hmmmm... anyway, I don't think she is that hot, kind of but not really.