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Posting "Levels"

Started by IvyX, February 01, 2010, 09:19:30 PM

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I have seen Banjo Hick with a "Posting Maniac", and Zack has it too, but in blue. I do not understand like how many posts you need for a particular "level", and how you get the different color, or whatsoever. Please post like how many posts you need to get that or something.
This might help- Example:

Bronze Poster-----____Post
Iron Poster--------____ Post
~IvyX, or in in-game, Ivy X.


I forget all the number of posts you need for each level, but if you mean the colours of the stars mine are green because I'm forum mod; and reddish orange is forum administrator, blue is admin, and one green star is moderator.


Ok, so just the regular people have just yellow? Like Banjo Hick?


Yep. Only staff get special stars so people can identify us. :o


Lol i don't see stars i see little cubes. and there not green for you Zack, i see blue cubes for you.



In the new "curve" theme they're cubes, but in the old theme there were coloured stars. :P