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hm whys zaaa banned?

Started by omfg noobz, January 11, 2010, 08:11:24 PM

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omfg noobz

just wondering seems kinda of a pain that theres not appeal offence forum to even appeal though, i havent been on for like a weeks so what exactly did i do?

if anyone wants to tell me thats cool.
zaaa is the sauce =o
self proclaimed " the best"
the best of pking.

1st- in "top 10 pkers forum" (most viewed pk forum all time).
1st. in "my top 5 pkers forum" (wasnt made by myself).
4th in "ledgenary pkers forum"

former owner of the clan - devastation
former owner of the clan - lawless
current owner of the clan - elite 7
ledgendary dz member.

best pk vids. Under pking in forums.
- zaaa's 100 k0s.
- zaaa's 2nd worldscape video.



The reason there isn't an appeal board is that it would be filled with spam. Regarding your account, if you were banned it was most likely for a good reason. It could be either a temporary ban or permanent, I suggest PMing Mod Sean or Ryan to get more details on why you were banned.

Also, do not make topics like this as it is considered spam.