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worldscape blitz

Started by bobo, January 02, 2010, 06:31:52 AM

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This is me meaty hippo and i would like to apply for a worldscape blitz tester.

i have been playing worldscape for about 2 years on different accounts.
i do my best to respect all mods and be friendly to other players around me.
i have made many friends in this game and think im worthy of being a tester and hope to speed up the process and help with what ever needs to be fixed

thank you for your time reading this please reply
no bads comments please thanks worldscape ;)


 :D It would be great for more players to be blitz tester and i remember and old friend that got kicked from being a blitz tester aww well soo good comment and gl  :D
'Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.' - Dr. Martin Luther King
Ryan, Jeremy, Jake, Jose, Kevin, Oscar, Wouter, Marcio, Andy, Alex, Alex[Kumkwat], Luke, Avery, Kyle, Mazen, Omar, Connor, Tyren, Amanda, Stephani, Maxi, Aaron, Jeremy(ramp), Sean, Ramón, Kevin(tom), Dylan, Ross, Bill, Maarten, RATMAN, COLESHOT, RYAN1, I HAZ BACKUP, White Angel,  ALL OF YOU ROCK THE WORLD AND MAKE ME FEEL ALIVE. Mo is what makes me feel.
My Skype username = Private! Get away :(
WSB trailer-

â"Œâˆ©â"(●_●)â"Œâˆ©â"ï»¿ To all you nice pop song haters..


thanks dug youve been a great friend in ws... ;D

Drunk Mario

There are not going to be any new beta testers as of now... unless a staff member makes a topic for applications.

Quote from: Connor on May 26, 2011, 12:13:30 PM
I wish it was possible to punch some through a computer screen.

~~Personal Achievements~~

- Said to be one of the best Forum Mods
- #1 poster
- #1 topic starter
- Max combat achieved In-game
- Good banner maker
- #4 Overall


As I said in my topic here;,3161.0.html
Tester applications will be treated as spam unless Jeremy/Ryan decides to reopen then.