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pking problem(to me)

Started by Deathtron55, December 25, 2009, 10:17:24 PM

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to me, the fact that pking doesnt lvl up anything besides magic really ruins the whole expereince for me so i was wondering if you could change that on worldscape clissic and do that on blitz.
just a suggestion
post your opinions,


you should of posted this in suggestions, but yeah that would be a good idea.
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yeah death that does get annoying. LIke maybe a more inexpierenced player goes to wildy and wants to train on people.. he wants to be a str pure and wants to train his str, but he is too weak for some npc's... i really think that you should be able to train att, str, and def in wildy.. oh and range and mage.

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well, mage does train in wildy but other cb lvls dont
and this would be cool if you made it in classic too, cuz ill still play classic along with blitz
                                          ~me(duh, who else?)


Personally I don't think this idea would be cool.
It would be so much easyer to get you'r skill's up, and you would likely never train anymore, just be in Wilderness.


i guess that makes sense, maybe just one skill trainns in wildy, that way you still have to train, but its a tiny bit easier.
              ~me(duh who else?)


Actually, it would be OK with no skill training in Wilderness.
Like man peoples got 135 magic, and it goes very fast.