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is 2012 doomday ??!!

Started by lollol, December 01, 2009, 06:43:40 PM

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Do You Think 2012 is really doomday?

Heck No
4 (23.5%)
Heck Yeah
2 (11.8%)
I Dont Know
2 (11.8%)
Am Confused
1 (5.9%)
I Don't Belive In This BullShit
8 (47.1%)

Total Members Voted: 17


I don't belive 2012 is the end, I'm not saying nothing like what is said in the movies can't happen, but I don't think its all going to happen in 2012.

Banjo Hick

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dude the movie says that they r going to run of it i guss,but from my point you can never run of it even if it wasnt 2012 u just cant run from it it gonna get ya!

and like joker saied i am acctually a muslim and some marks came and some didnt,Thats the thing that is making me a lil bit confertable and not worried but am worried of this marks came in 2012!this is the prob  :-\

Nicest Regards
Quote from: Yoho on May 26, 2011, 12:06:29 PM
"Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind"

(Just for the lulz :D)

96% of people won't stand up for God
Put this in your Sig if you are one of the 4% who will"
‎/\/\ /-\ Z E /\/


It's true that in 2011-2012 Some Proplems will happen like Lots of EarthQuakes and Cracks in ground but It's not the end of the life..Only some places will have this things like Tsunami and Earthquakes and Volcanoes errupt, but that doesn't mean it's the end of the world.


yeah but who knows amr,who knows?  :-\

Nicest Regards
  Night Watcher
Quote from: Yoho on May 26, 2011, 12:06:29 PM
"Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind"

(Just for the lulz :D)

96% of people won't stand up for God
Put this in your Sig if you are one of the 4% who will"
‎/\/\ /-\ Z E /\/


Have you guys seen the movie "Knowing" the guy from national treasure is in it.


No one really knows if the world will end in 2012, but if it does I might be a little pissed off. 4 years of high school for nothing.

Banjo Hick

damn, I'm graduating highschool in 2014 so... yeah I have the easiest math classes and I have the easiest social studies left (maybe)


I think...

Cause of the Global Warming Problems that might effect it, it'll burn the earth?

Banjo Hick


intresting  ??? ??? ??? :o

dude u gonna think it's real intristing when in your grave yard when your owned by that global warming  :D

Best Regards
Night Watcher
Quote from: Yoho on May 26, 2011, 12:06:29 PM
"Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind"

(Just for the lulz :D)

96% of people won't stand up for God
Put this in your Sig if you are one of the 4% who will"
‎/\/\ /-\ Z E /\/

Banjo Hick

Well the humans that supposedly are going to die in 2012 won't be buried.

Mod Perry

Of course the theory just happens to be that the world ends on my birthday of my high school graduation year...

Banjo Hick

Hybrid Owner


I miss classic

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