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☣Death Zone☣(Classic)

Started by Chaoslancex, July 22, 2008, 01:43:46 AM

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should clan have a uniform??its between

201 (57.6%)
37 (10.6%)
18 (5.2%)
70 (20.1%)
23 (6.6%)

Total Members Voted: 348


In-game name:Cool5ive
Combat lvl:99
Str lvl:83
Magic lvl:100
Little something about your self, and past clans you've been in: I ain't got anything to say and I've never been in a clan.
Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world.


Cool5ive: Denied, We are looking for more Expirience players.


Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world.


cb:164 str 130 mage 134 attack 130 hp:129


lolk you have been pending on test
i will talk to chaos about accpeting you.
so please be patient.


please oscar:
i need cc to be on kill list,he pjs and teamed on karla and killed her.
so please add her.
thank you. :)


lolk you have been accepted
welcome to deathzone!

Sir Tor

In-Game name is : Sir Tor
My HP lev: 102
My Str lev: 109
My Atk lev: 103
My Def lev: 93
My Mage lev: 97
About me :I will say that i'm good to Pking, when I have the right stuff. I know I have to higher my levels. I understand if you decline me.
"These soldiers, men and women did not die so you can walk around and talk about how much you hate this country. Wake up you disgraceful pieces of ----."                                                      
<img src="" width="230" height="155" border="0" />
Get your Portable ID!


Quote from: Sir Tor on December 01, 2009, 07:46:58 PM
In-Game name is : Sir Tor
My HP lev: 102
My Str lev: 109
My Atk lev: 103
My Def lev: 93
My Mage lev: 97
About me :I will say that i'm good to Pking, when I have the right stuff. I know I have to higher my levels. I understand if you decline me.

Sorry but you need 120+ Str.

Sir tor: Denied.


choas can u put dont no in hit list


don't worry aliens,he will be on the K.O.S soon.
thank you. :)


I believe he is already on there.


Hechild here. Your "enemy" -.-
Anyway, I know I have no right to do this.
But I really think Cc should get on this list.
I think other from Dz also think so.
She is doing: Pjing, Glitching She also had a ff and he dident gave back stuff =(
I hope your clan get her out of the way!



can i rejoin. im really sorry.
str lvl:132
att lvl:123
Dz forever
fozzmister forever ()
