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☣Death Zone☣(Classic)

Started by Chaoslancex, July 22, 2008, 01:43:46 AM

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should clan have a uniform??its between

201 (57.6%)
37 (10.6%)
18 (5.2%)
70 (20.1%)
23 (6.6%)

Total Members Voted: 348



In-game name:Maxmager, B amazing, G0d ownz
Combat lv:167 or 168 (i can't remember anymore)
Str lv:135, 110, 135
Magic lv:135, 100, 135
Little something about your self, and past clans you've been in:i've been playing for a while you know who i am chaos, or i would hope you do :) and ive been in this clan, poons clan, one of the owners of godz of rage. and yeah.

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are you kidding me? i'm pretty sure i've done that before, and your the first i've heard to complain about listing more than one account...when i own all of the accounts, i think the clan should know which account which to attack and which not to attack.

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Well Maxmager we are only adding one name to roster so we need you to pick one, that is if you make it in.


i dont see how it makes a difference really, but ill go with my main account maxmager, that is if i get in? but i may have changed my mind, i am still debating between you and zaaa's clan.

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Banjo Hick


Quote from: banjo hick on November 28, 2009, 12:11:08 AM
but zaaa fails, join dz
Dont listen to banjo, he fails. but, zaaa's clan fail.. join dz!  :D


attack:129 str:128 def:128 ho:128 magic:131
i want to join dz bec i want be better know more people and pk and ff my clan and its would be my first clan


Dear Lolk

You Will Need To Lvl Up Your Str More But It's Not Up To Me It's Up To Oscar

          Your Friend NN[/glow]
Quote from: Yoho on May 26, 2011, 12:06:29 PM
"Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind"

(Just for the lulz :D)

96% of people won't stand up for God
Put this in your Sig if you are one of the 4% who will"
‎/\/\ /-\ Z E /\/


cb lvl:146
str lvl:almost 125
mage lvl:115 and rising quickly
history:ive played for 3.5 years and i rate myself a 8 on the pking scale


Lolk, I think you need to train more- Denied.
Deathtron55, You need to train more as well - Denied.


In-game name: Vista X
Combat level: 164
Attack level: 130 (Currently working on 135)
Strength level: 129 (Currently working on 135)
Defense level: 128 (Currently working on 130)
Magic level: 130
Little something about your self, and past clans you've been in: I've been in Death Zone before last year before I was done with clans for a while but would like to rejoin.


I think zack should be accepted. I'd like that legends of Deathzone coming back to their old base. If it's up to me, accepted. But it's up to the staff..
