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Started by Chaoslancex, July 22, 2008, 01:43:46 AM

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should clan have a uniform??its between

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Banjo Hick

chaos im still in your clan, but ive made a new clan and i want you to hold try outs for it, we dont really fight all that much but we have like drop parties and mostly everyone in ur clan is invited, same with volcanics clan if im allowed in theirs, dont kick me out for this ;D

Volcanic Me

Banjo, I'll add you to the Revered List, but your clan will have to fend for themselves. You'll be safe... but not your clan, I'm aiming to NOT have allies. The Wildy has been boring lately. =P


Hey chaos put me back in your clan again becuase zaaa isnt gonna be on worldscape a lot anymore so there is no use for me in his clan so  put me on your list of clan members =)

Banjo Hick

volcanic i dont mind if you kill everyone in my clan just dont kill me, that goes for chaos' clan as well  ;D oh and if there noobs dont kill them if they in my clan, and stay off them if they say off me


look banjo you can only join one clan i dont want you to be joining a millon clans, for example you trying to get in to enigma, that iso ur rival clan... how wuold it work if you in both clan... kk look im going to take you off... cause of that im not happy wiht that so for know your off till you dicide what clan you would stick to, you might not even get into mine anymore.......... >:(

Banjo Hick

ok earlier i told you i would stick to your clan, im still sticking with that decision, but i did somthing for volcanic and asked to be an honorary member of enigma who would NOT DO ANYTHING WHATSOEVER, and i applyed to a different clan b4 urs and then i got accepted to urs, and then i got accepted to the other clan, i would kinda be a prick if i left his clan... so i said i would be a reserve for him, im sorry plz dont kick me out


Oh u are out because of what u did to your bro. That was not cool to do to family just to get into someones clan your out of my clan for good.....

Banjo Hick

ok, i really dont care its just an online game i could care less, its also just a clan which i have never seen do anything in wildy at all except hang out with mooshu, and i think that you had a bigger impact on that banning than i did, and its just a game he didnt care at all when i told him i helped get him banned unintentionally, but im kinda happy cause he kept scamming people and account trading so whatever im out of the clan


lol dude look you just also just admitted to doing bad thing... so this should get look by jeremy or a mod. because you are a rule breaking player.. and you are out of my clan......... :P


wow if im gunna be that low on ur clan rank... just take me off i dont wanna be in ur clan

Banjo Hick

well thats the 2nd time youve said that in this topic, and youve said that once or twice in enigma i understand that im out of the clan and next time i see you ill turn in my uniform, and what rule was a i breaking i said that he has scammed people and has been account sharing/trading not me, what rule did i break and i didnt fix that post i doesnt say that i edited it, and if it wasnt that stuuf what was the bad thing i did?


Just so every1 is clear im in zaaa's clan not chaos's =) lets just leave it at that but chaos zaaa's clan will still be ur allies rite?

Banjo Hick

pkinnty after your post/reading there were exactyly 222posts and 2222readings


lol awesome! thats just how cool i am