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top 10 pkers.

Started by omfg noobz, November 25, 2009, 12:20:03 PM

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Yup, this is my first vote, And i voted for you Matt.


Two who were never ment to meet,
All the peices lie where they fell,
Where they wait for him...


I vote for:  (( Not In Order from Stronger to Weaker, it's Random ;) ))

* Chaoslancex
* Hubby
* Berserker
* Caponer
* I p00n i
* Thebestofpk
* Mage Omri
* Ryan7 :p
* Zaaa
* Noss

omfg noobz

50 try to put it in order because 1st = 10 votes 2nd = 9 and so on
zaaa is the sauce =o
self proclaimed " the best"
the best of pking.

1st- in "top 10 pkers forum" (most viewed pk forum all time).
1st. in "my top 5 pkers forum" (wasnt made by myself).
4th in "ledgenary pkers forum"

former owner of the clan - devastation
former owner of the clan - lawless
current owner of the clan - elite 7
ledgendary dz member.

best pk vids. Under pking in forums.
- zaaa's 100 k0s.
- zaaa's 2nd worldscape video.



and why is there a :p next to my name? Explain to me this nonsense.
Two who were never ment to meet,
All the peices lie where they fell,
Where they wait for him...

omfg noobz

remember keep your votes like this:


and remember only one vote per person =o
zaaa is the sauce =o
self proclaimed " the best"
the best of pking.

1st- in "top 10 pkers forum" (most viewed pk forum all time).
1st. in "my top 5 pkers forum" (wasnt made by myself).
4th in "ledgenary pkers forum"

former owner of the clan - devastation
former owner of the clan - lawless
current owner of the clan - elite 7
ledgendary dz member.

best pk vids. Under pking in forums.
- zaaa's 100 k0s.
- zaaa's 2nd worldscape video.




Two who were never ment to meet,
All the peices lie where they fell,
Where they wait for him...

omfg noobz

if you havent voted make your voice heard and vote =o!
zaaa is the sauce =o
self proclaimed " the best"
the best of pking.

1st- in "top 10 pkers forum" (most viewed pk forum all time).
1st. in "my top 5 pkers forum" (wasnt made by myself).
4th in "ledgenary pkers forum"

former owner of the clan - devastation
former owner of the clan - lawless
current owner of the clan - elite 7
ledgendary dz member.

best pk vids. Under pking in forums.
- zaaa's 100 k0s.
- zaaa's 2nd worldscape video.


Banjo Hick

He wants you to have extra points.

Banjo Hick

He wants more points for you?


zaa isn't that good and i vote mooshu is the best

I own noobs.

OLD NAME: Tehstrshow

NEW NAME: Kryptonite

Banjo Hick

oops, sorry for double posting, my computer ran out of battery and i thought i hadnt already posted, and those are responses to ryan's question "why does my name have a =p next to it, explain this nonsense."

omfg noobz

doormcburger ask mooshy our record is about 25-3 i would have to say im a bit better although i think mooshy is a very good pker. so door do some research before posting this isnt a popularity contest babe. thank you no need to reply to this it would be spamming. stick to voting please.
zaaa is the sauce =o
self proclaimed " the best"
the best of pking.

1st- in "top 10 pkers forum" (most viewed pk forum all time).
1st. in "my top 5 pkers forum" (wasnt made by myself).
4th in "ledgenary pkers forum"

former owner of the clan - devastation
former owner of the clan - lawless
current owner of the clan - elite 7
ledgendary dz member.

best pk vids. Under pking in forums.
- zaaa's 100 k0s.
- zaaa's 2nd worldscape video.


Banjo Hick

If this was a popularity I would win! And I'll stop counting our fight as a tie..


well i vote for:
3.Mage Omri
Quote from: Yoho on May 26, 2011, 12:06:29 PM
"Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind"

(Just for the lulz :D)

96% of people won't stand up for God
Put this in your Sig if you are one of the 4% who will"
‎/\/\ /-\ Z E /\/