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Super Powers!

Started by Omri, November 01, 2009, 10:57:51 AM

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If you could have 1 super power what would it be?

Super strength
2 (10%)
Super speed
6 (30%)
11 (55%)
1 (5%)

Total Members Voted: 20


If you could have any super power, What would it be?

Personally for me it would be invisibility.

Drunk Mario

Hehe nice topic! ;) i would have invincibility too. For one thing i already got the guns(muscles). and why would you really want telecanesis? lol that would just be akward! the rest are questionable.

Quote from: Connor on May 26, 2011, 12:13:30 PM
I wish it was possible to punch some through a computer screen.

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Lol, Nice elmo, That would own if i had that power, or you had it.


For me it had to be to Stop time and Time Travel. :o



for me It would be controll over people like mind controll eccept I can also do things to thier bodys like give them sunburn that'd be cool
"Life ain't life if you don't live it!"- Max Lauser (me!)
" Life is full of secrets, sometimess you need to break the rules for what is right and to get answers!"- Max Lauser



I got money on mute, He'd own you. ;D


yeah but I can controll mins so i could just make himself fall into the void! BAM!!!
"Life ain't life if you don't live it!"- Max Lauser (me!)
" Life is full of secrets, sometimess you need to break the rules for what is right and to get answers!"- Max Lauser



I own you all, i Stop time and cut your head off and then i got back in time and do it again  :o just for kicks, and after that i go back in time again and take you with me, to the an era with out worldscape and internet and leave you there!  8)


No problem Mute, I'm very happy everyone is like this post. ;D ;D


I Chould Get the power of the water,the fire,the earth,the wind,invisibility,reading minds,moving stuff with my mind,super str,flying,super defencive abbility and own you all!!!  8)
Quote from: Yoho on May 26, 2011, 12:06:29 PM
"Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind"

(Just for the lulz :D)

96% of people won't stand up for God
Put this in your Sig if you are one of the 4% who will"
‎/\/\ /-\ Z E /\/


Banjo Hick

Well invincibility is the best choice because if they shoot you then you can just walk through it and kick 'em in the balls!!


If i had super speed and went against invincibility, I'd just walk around the invincible person annoying the crap out of them.
Can't touch this.  8),644.msg3850.html#msg3850
If you don't read this, you may be kicked, muted or banned without warning and not know why. No, really, read.

The video/song in my profile picture. Same video I got my last one from, if you saw that. Watch at least until the part with her glasses. That part's epic. =P

  -Completely, undeniably, 100% addicted to Touhou and loving it-
Without the internet, Touhou or my thoughts, I have very little a life.

It's really sad that only about 2 of the 115+ characters of Touhou is a guy(Humans in the 'Human Village' don't count. =O), and Touhou is still more manly than "those war games".
That, and Touhou is harder, more challenging, more extremely painful than any game you've ever played. It's no wonder I don't know the difference between Halo, Call of Duty, World at War and the etcetera.

Banjo Hick

Well you can touch this but you can't kill me. I could shoot myself all I want! I could get all types of STD's and I wouldn't feel the effects!