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What are you going for Halloween? (If your going.)

Started by Sir Tor, October 25, 2009, 08:18:27 PM

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Sir Tor

"These soldiers, men and women did not die so you can walk around and talk about how much you hate this country. Wake up you disgraceful pieces of ----."                                                      
<img src="" width="230" height="155" border="0" />
Get your Portable ID!


I'm going as a dead bride,
with my dead husband. ::)
I'm just going to a party, I don't "trick or treat".lol  :P


I'm going to scream at kids asking why they keep coming to my house.


Quote from: Zack on October 25, 2009, 09:30:34 PM
I'm going to scream at kids asking why they keep coming to my house.
-Delicious approves of this statement.-  ::)


I'm a zombie a dead biker ne that is and I'm gonna jump out and scare my girlfreind
"Life ain't life if you don't live it!"- Max Lauser (me!)
" Life is full of secrets, sometimess you need to break the rules for what is right and to get answers!"- Max Lauser
