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some questions about blitz update (mods please answer these questions)

Started by hashem, October 06, 2009, 03:11:26 AM

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1.Will flowers be buyable and farmable in blitz ?
if yes that mean it wont be rare any more!
2.Will marionettes (toys) be untradeable in blitz ?
if yes it wont be rare any more!
3.Will fixed and brocken devices be untradeable in blitz ?
that means it wont be rare any more!
4.will rogue be untradeable in blitz?
5.will zammy robes be untradeable in blitz?
7.will most quests work in blitz?
8.will we be only able to sled on one place in blitz?
9.will sleds be untradeable in blitz?
10.will 91% of rares be untradeable on blitz?
11.will rares stay rares?
12.will scarfs and other event items be untradeable
??? it true that ::lumby and others dont work on blitz?
14.will camp vanish?
15.will blitz be new game or update to the old classic?
16.will we need to make new accounts?
17.will our skills will be copyed if we have not to make new accounts?
18.will our items be copyed to blitz game?
19.will funpk vanish in blitz?
20.will most of npcs come in blitz?
21.will we need to pay to play blitz or some people got special stuff it they pay?
22.will banks empty when you activate blitz?
23.will mods stay mods in blitz?
24.will you add new mods in blitz?
25.will you reprogram bow-swords in blitz? because after high details update its style will change..
26.will ::yell chaneel stay in blitz?
27.will blitz game loading be faster or slower?
28.will blitz get new commands or some commands will vanish?
??? there a chance that accounts and items and skills be gone in blitz?
30.we mustn't log in while you are activating blitz?
please answer these...
Hashem ,Champion Of The Frozen Wastes.

y y0u di3

I believe that worldscape blitz will be going back to the basics with rares like party hat's and h'ween masks.


Hello, i belive that the rares will be:

Party hats, h'ween masks, and christmas and easter events.
I, think you should take this up with Ry60003333 or Jeremy there will be more answers there.

Nicest Regards,

Jack7. :)

Drunk Mario

mute has answered mostly all that can be answered by non mods. In the future please look at other topics before asking questions like you did. it will make it alot easier for staff. ;)

Quote from: Connor on May 26, 2011, 12:13:30 PM
I wish it was possible to punch some through a computer screen.

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I can say that ::yell is in blitz also. Yes back to the basic rares party hats, Masks etc.
Event items will be untradeable.
Mod's will stay the same though there may be another 1 or 2.
::Lumby ::Etele and all of them will stay when i tested blitz they worked.
Most of these are seriously stupid questions..
Hashem think before you post next time.

xx hottie xx