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My stats arent going up like they should.

Started by ovalteen2, July 22, 2008, 12:33:44 PM

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what is the problem?

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my stats arnt going up like they should my attack levle is 102 but it should be 103. my xp says that i need 14k xp but i have 17kxp and it is not going up.



Stats do not match up exactlly after 99. For example: I have 237,484,980 expierience in Attack. It says I have the expierence to level up to 129, but the 'Next Level At' expirience never rises after 99 to match the level. This may be kind of confusing but just keep trying and I'm sure you will level up eventually. This is a minor issue so I don't think It will be fixed. I have also locked this topic because there is no more need of it, I have already solved your question.

Thank you,

- Banned -