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Combat Training Guide!

Started by Rain, September 01, 2009, 04:59:44 PM

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Hey guys, I'm going to work on a training guide below. All of the methods which I will state in here are all the methods which worked best for me; I am not saying that it is the best because I am not sure what the best is, if you do not like my guide; I would respect it if you did not post here, thanks.

Alright, I am going to start off with a guide for those pures out there.  :)


So, you're interested in being a pure? Stuck on where to train? Look no further! I was a pure myself once, and I am going to spread the knowledge I have of how to train one here!

Alright, so you're going to want to start off in Lumbridge at the level 2 men. They have 7 hitpoints, this is your best bet to start off by killing some of these until you're about 40 strength, and 40 attack.

After you have 40 Strength and 40 Attack, you are going to want to make your way to ::etele. When you get there you want to make your way up into the Varrock Castle and start training on the level 21 Guards (22 Hitpoints), or the level 22 Skeletons (29 Hitpoints). If you are not sure how to get there, look below.

Once you are there, you are going to want to train there until about 60 Attack, and 75 - 80 Strength. This may take a little bit of time if you are still using the starter armor (The full iron).

After you have gotten roughly 60 Attack and 75 Strength, you are going to want to make your way to ::northpole. Make sure you have plenty of food before you come here, as you will get hit quite often. Once you get there; start fighting the level 64 Otherworldly Beings (66 Hitpoints). You are going to want to train here for a pretty good sum of time, just to ensure that you will be ready to go onto a new monster; which is much stronger.

If you are sure that you're ready to move onto another monster, make sure that you have a 'Dragon dagger(s)' for strength training.  :) This weapon is my personal favorite for training strength, although you could also use a Dragon Scimitar. I just think that the Dragon Dagger is much more efficient. You are also going to want to have Pumpkins or Choc-ice.

The next monster you are going to be training on are located in east varrock (Right next to the small bank). Once there you will see Level 159 Shades (160 Hitpoints). This is where you are going to want to spend the rest of your time training, and always be sure to bring plenty of food because they do hit often!

Hint: Good armor to train in as a pure - Black d' hide body, Black d' hide chaps, berserker helmet, barrows gloves, obsidian shield, dragon dagger(s), amulet of strength, desert boots.

This next section will be for those people who just want to train in general.

~Those people who are not pures~

Just want to train for combat levels? Look here! I also know a good bit about training without being a pure, since I'm not one anymore!

Everyone starts off at the Lumbridge men, it's just normal!  :) Kill them until you have 40 Attack, 40 Strength, and 40 Defence.

After that go to the varrock castle. (Picture above if you don't know how to get there) Once there, begin killing the Level 21 guards and the level 22 Skeletons. Keep doing so until you have about 70 Attack, Strength, and Defence.

Next, get some food in your inventory and type in ::northpole. Start killing the otherworldly beings; this is a very good way to get some decent training armor and you can get levels pretty quick here. Go ahead and get about 100 Attack, Strength, and Defence here, that assures that you will also leave there with some armor to train in and hopefully some pumpkins and choc-ice for the shades.  :)

If you've made it this far, you're doing a great job! Now you want to get out some pumpkins or choc-ice. (You can use easter eggs, but you will have to bank a lot). Make your way to eastern varrock next to the small bank, and begin killing shades. This is a very very good place to train for the rest of your time, although if you are looking for loads of drops you can always go back to northpole. Shades are the fastest, best way to train though.

If you are looking to train prayer, your best bet is to purchase ourg bones from other players, if you do not want to do that, you can kill shades and they will drop them, but that would make it much much slower.

Hint: Good armor for you to train in - Dharoks platebody, Dharoks platelegs, rune boots, barrows gloves, abyssal whip/dragon dagger(s), obsidian shield, berserker helmet, amulet of strength.

I hope you guys find my combat training guide useful, and good luck out there!



nice training guide, just the one thing about barrows gloves i've tried soo many days to get them, no results,still don't have a pair....very annoyed.


I pooN I

Barrows gloves can only be obtained from other players, they are not a drop from any monster so that probably explains why you never got them. Also, good job dillon  :)


ty dillion... but its too late for me to see this im lvl 163, it took me hours of training and still not passing lvl 163 -.- where shuld i train?


Train at the shades, 50 Cent. That is the best place for you to train.


Honestly, I was really excited when I saw this post. My thoughts were, "If this is some new kid who's like level 44......"  "I hope it's by a pker."

    When I saw it was yours I glued my eyes on. It's a good start for a trainer to be able too read. (Psst, make sure you tell them all about the other types of pures. xD).

Thank you to Zack who brought my suggestion to life. Subscribe to WorldscapeBlitz NOW!

Go here for a great theme. Credits to Zack.

   Fight my Brute YO!


good ideas but shades hit high so i train in ::camp or ::mountaincamp on yetis


Quote from: mp3252 on September 19, 2009, 08:53:39 AM
good ideas but shades hit high so i train in ::camp or ::mountaincamp on yetis

Yes, the shades do hit high. But with a decent amount of hitpoints, it makes it worth training there. It's better if you have choc-ice or pumpkins to train there with. And as I stated these are all the methods which worked out best for me.  :)


OR you can train at elvs.2285 3355 hope this helps. Also if you want something a little more fun try
2720 9465
~the beating will continue until morale improves

Drunk Mario

nice job dillon!!!!! this helped me a ton! great job and thank you for taking the time to make it ;)

Quote from: Connor on May 26, 2011, 12:13:30 PM
I wish it was possible to punch some through a computer screen.

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Gods child


Man the training guide rule, I made a pure using the guide and now that pure owns all!!!

Thank you Dillon for the guide


Quote from: chaoslancex on October 18, 2009, 07:59:05 PM
Man the training guide rule, I made a pure using the guide and now that pure owns all!!!

Thank you Dillon for the guide


thank you dillion, this helped me alot to pass level 163..:)


Thanks Dillon for the Guide it has helped a lot.

                                                 :o Mage Omri :o