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the m4k3 it clan

Started by m4k3 it sn0w, June 18, 2008, 11:53:23 PM

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Total Members Voted: 5

m4k3 it sn0w

we are the m4k3 it clan

Clan includes- m4k3 it sn0w, m4k3 it r41n, m4k3 it hail.

the only way you can join is by making a m4k3 it. there is no captains, leaders, or recruits

we do not allie with anybody. EVERYONE is a rival, dont ask to team unless your name starts with m4k3

the only one thats not a m4k3 it and is in our clan is jakers and thats it

I pooN I

Good luck with that, with no allies, !~Godz-of-Rage~! will surely crush you! :P


lol poon ur a meane  :D scarring new clans  ;D