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Soda Snipers

Started by sniper007, June 20, 2009, 05:35:31 AM

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Sup, this is Sniper007 and i have made a new pure...range pure.(mtn dew)
requirements for clan:
1. you must have a name that is a type of soda.
2. must be lvl 30 and below with 80+ range.
3. you must pk in clan outfit.

                   The leaders of the Soda Snipers....follow us..we lead too victory.
                                   Owners: (dark purple partyhat)
                                     - Mtn Dew
                                     - Cream Soda

                                 Co Owner (light red partyhat or just red)
                                 - Coke Zero
                                       Leader of group: Root beer
                                 The brains behind the Clan!                                   
                                      Smart Water: (any color)             
                                 Leader of group: Cherry Coke
                                     Our most trusted sodas.                           
                                   L33t Soda: (green partyhat)
                                     - Sierra Mist
                                     Leader of group: Coke Zero
                                         Ninjas of the wildy.
                                    Ninja Soda: (white partyhat)
                                      - Dr Pepper
                                      - Izze
                           Energy Soda: (dark blue partyhat)

                              Diet Soda: (yellow partyhat)

   If you don't know how to get low level with high range, we will explain it to you through pm..

Outfit: Black d'hide chaps, Black d'hide Body, Partyhat (different ranks have different colors), elf bow, climbing boots, team-6 cape, barrow gloves, and holy book.
If you do not have something we will provide it for you.       

Some names off the top of my head:...... monster, red bull, volt, mug, fanta, soda, diet coke, pepsi, lemonade, cherry soda, crush, cherrwine, jolt, ginger ale, mr pibb, grape soda, rc cola, fresca, faygo, encore....(could be taken).

haha, is how too do the glich.....first get 80 range...then you magic for the first time....(dont use before) and you will down lvl.

if we don't end war, war will end us.~h. g. wells

Banana boy

May i join since my clan has gone to the ground with no one joining.
I'm combat level 19.
Range level 80.
Username Coke Zero.


banana you are accepted, pm sniper007 or g0dofwarz..or mtn dew.     8)
if we don't end war, war will end us.~h. g. wells

Banjo Hick

ok.... i dont know how to train only range and no hp too can u tell me in a pm on forums?


those this mean your not in my clan???

Banjo Hick

i think this is just the clan for the account mtn dew not for sniper007

k0 froob

user: cherry coke

range: 84

combat: 20

hp: 75


k0 froob you are accepted!!! :P   its growing faster than i expected...... :-\
if we don't end war, war will end us.~h. g. wells


Quote from: sniper007 on June 23, 2009, 11:13:04 PM
k0 froob you are accepted!!! :P   its growing faster than i expected...... :-\

           You SHOULD be happy, it's a nice clan, and it's set-up pretty nicely. ;D

Thank you to Zack who brought my suggestion to life. Subscribe to WorldscapeBlitz NOW!

Go here for a great theme. Credits to Zack.

   Fight my Brute YO!

Banana boy

For our clan i'm making a website and you can ask for any songs and i will put them in :)
That is the url enjoy :)


sup....i wanna join this clan
in game name:nn
str lvl :128
att lvl:128
hp lvl:128
mage lvl:131
can i join ???
Quote from: Yoho on May 26, 2011, 12:06:29 PM
"Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind"

(Just for the lulz :D)

96% of people won't stand up for God
Put this in your Sig if you are one of the 4% who will"
‎/\/\ /-\ Z E /\/

Banjo Hick

u have to be under lvl 30 comat with 80+ range... how do you do that though?

Banana boy

Sorry nn your declined because you have to be below level 30.
and have a soda or soft drink name.

Banjo Hick

how do u get 80 range and be under lvl 30 combat?

Banana boy

you get 80 range and then use wind once and your level 19 or somthing