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ads by google

Started by Banjo Hick, June 13, 2009, 02:26:17 AM

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Banjo Hick

i want to know if your getting paid by them first of all, and if you can, can you ask them to move them to the bottom of the page completely because when i am doing quick reply i cant post it because the add is in the way


they can put it anywhere.

They can put it between every post, side (I think), top, bottom or at the very top.

Banjo Hick

yeah because sometimes its between two posts and you cant see the first few lines of the post


For me they're on the very top and bottom, so they don't really get in the way.

Banjo Hick

thats how it has been for the few mins ive been on the forums today but yesterday i could barely post


On other forums the ads come after the first post in every thread, just be lucky we don't have that.

Banjo Hick

sometimes we do, we should get rid of these after ryan makes some cash off of it, im trying to post this but i can only do it using the keyboard!!! rofl!!!! alt+s


It cost $10-$29 a month to keep ads off an SMF forum.

Banjo Hick

o, so they dont pay ryan?



You don't have to pay to remove it, thats for smfforfree. You can remove it if you own a smf forum "FROM SIMPLE MACHINE" Not And this forum is owned from Simple Machines


Thoses Ad's take make my psp use up more time just to load a page.


Yeah the ads should only appear at the top and bottom of the page; if there not, then you need to update your browser or get a new one! :P

I know they may make the page load slower, but almost every site has ads . :-[
I host this myself and thats why its so slow. The point of the ads is to eventually pay for a dedicated server for the site. ;)
Triniboy: AllGoFree Staff don't get paid, they only get laid.

Volcanic Me

The only time I ever see the ads is when I access the forums after running my C-Cleaner, and it's like a single one under the login bar.


Yeah there is one at the top of the page and one at the bottom of the page. :)
Triniboy: AllGoFree Staff don't get paid, they only get laid.

Banjo Hick

wait do u make money for having them on there? or does it cost u money to keep it off?