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help whit the client

Started by Cavallers, May 11, 2008, 11:41:24 AM

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well you all know i can't run client (at least i think well i try running it whit the java run file (the icon of the picture there... and when i try closing it it dosn't close.... i have to go end program like 10 times..

[attachment deleted by admin]



Yea, next time use the Run Client files to run the client instead of the actual JAR of the client. When you run it directly from the JAR, it runs in Low Detail and in a different Java process that doesn't close when you click the X in the corner.

When you run it from the Run Client batch files, a black box will open along with the client. Close the black box, and the client will also completely close.  :)
Triniboy: AllGoFree Staff don't get paid, they only get laid.


oh ok. well but why have a jar file?. i mean if the jar file will open and has this problem why do we have it?.



Well, there is a way to close the .Jar file, it's a bit complicated though! (not really ;))

To Close it after it's ran (trust me on this, i've had to do it a number of times) You go into (for windows) Your Windows Task Manager (ctrl + alt then hit delete) and choose the program and click End Now.

You'll get a message saying  (for windows) "This Program is not Responding" Just click End Now and wait about 2-4 minutes, and there ya go ;).


well thats what i do but still is sort of bad that this hapends and i was just reporting it


