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He's back!

Started by Barrage Pked, June 07, 2009, 06:55:29 PM

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Barrage Pked

Look who decided to pay a visit and own some noobs. He hit a 66 on Jack (Serguys Pure). :O
Been around WorldScape for 2 years. :D (Quitting, bye everyone, enjoy the game. Don't hang out with Bri she is trouble)
Co-owner of ~Angels Vengeance~,2075.0.html

Thank you for the signature Ramon (Thrive).


It hurt.... ALOT...

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   Fight my Brute YO!


Haven't seen him in a while.


haha wow havent seen that name in a while?


wow i gusse everyone has competition in wildy know :o


woah!, that's good his back. i agree with chaos there will be a competition now  ;D
hopefully, i get to meet him 1 day.

Banjo Hick

wow, second or third time ive seen him, and hubby no offense i hope u dont get to see him other than on ur server or another, if u do meet him on here, i hope you come back and follow the rules


Haven't ever seen him actually... I might have, but probably don't remember it. I do have some competition now.



look at me (Adidas pure) trying to get to vs him

m a d time

Quote from: Pride on June 11, 2009, 12:41:11 AM
Haven't ever seen him actually... I might have, but probably don't remember it. I do have some competition now.


Im more than enuf comp for u dere and FYI i told u lot he was in lumby and he also said he's not back he just came on to talk to a mate ~M~
Well Because of bri and trini gettin testman i am permanant iped and test is making sure i stay banned by changing my pass aswell i wud like to say he needs to grow up and get a life.


ahh man that sucks... and dude he has never died!!!! he is the bomb!!!!    :D


Barrage Pked

No, Steve told me. Look at the screenie...
Been around WorldScape for 2 years. :D (Quitting, bye everyone, enjoy the game. Don't hang out with Bri she is trouble)
Co-owner of ~Angels Vengeance~,2075.0.html

Thank you for the signature Ramon (Thrive).

m a d time

Quote from: chaoslancex on June 11, 2009, 12:06:36 PM
ahh man that sucks... and dude he has never died!!!! he is the bomb!!!!    :D


Cos he has "infinite" health and he food lags like a b---h ~M~
Well Because of bri and trini gettin testman i am permanant iped and test is making sure i stay banned by changing my pass aswell i wud like to say he needs to grow up and get a life.


Hey, Not sure who you are, but I guess its good to see a old player back again :D


Oxy has died Before, me and poon have killed him atleast once. sorry for the late post. :/ just wanted to say it.

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