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KKK-Kool Kats Klan

Started by Banjo Hick, April 22, 2009, 12:41:58 AM

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Banjo Hick

this is a clan where when ever u are nice u depending on how nice u are u get items, i will have my friends "moderating" u and how nice u are and to what degree of niceness, an example is by donating to trini's fund or helping out players, or when some prick is being mean to little noob tell them to shut there mouths, which wont get u much, only like a mil...., but if u do something like helping out a new kid by giving him a rare or 2 u will get different secret items... if one of my "moderators" spot u doing this then they will post ur name here under a name i will give them for the forums and they will post ur name here, i dont think that this should be getting in trouble for account sharing/trading even though it completly would be because its for there to be people nicer on the game and there be less fighting, and i can easily keep track of someone donating to trinis fund, prizes will be given out at the end of each week, this is somehow a clan because of the name =)