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Started by Banjo Hick, April 04, 2009, 02:16:15 PM

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Banjo Hick

people keep fighting about whether they have better skill levels and i thought of an idea, but i think it would be pretty hard to code due to the fact that it would need updating very often, ok i think that there should be a code where another player views your stats, idk whether you should type the code or them because some people might want it private, but yeah there should be code like ::playerinfo banjo hick, or ::givepito banjo hick, givepi jueans give player info


This would be possible; the other players skills would come up in a quest scroll thought, just like the sign in Lumbridge does. :P
Triniboy: AllGoFree Staff don't get paid, they only get laid.


If Lunar fully works in Blitz then you could just use the "Stat Spy" spell.

Banjo Hick

ok ty zack, and i hope this does work out for blitz


Quote from: Zack on April 04, 2009, 03:03:29 PM
If Lunar fully works in Blitz then you could just use the "Stat Spy" spell.
Thats my plan! :D
Triniboy: AllGoFree Staff don't get paid, they only get laid.

Banjo Hick

well its a good one, and i still have more ideas if anyone wants to hear them =), but ry can you actually check out my other post, the one about the easter event


Maybe also a High score..but that might require more work.

Banjo Hick

yeah it would, but that is a good idea, that i had in like september or october! chack my posts


I was thinking the same thing about the Lunar spell. Hope it works out Ry!


but for classic i like banjos idea. ;)

pure skilla3

good idea a highscores would also be good they'd be good because alot of ppl lie about they're skills

     ^^thats my rs acount up there^^
^^also my rs acount --'s arent ranked^^

^^now thats my ws acount


Quote from: pure skilla3 on June 02, 2009, 11:04:51 AM
good idea a highscores would also be good they'd be good because alot of ppl lie about they're skills

Why would you lie about your skills...


well ppl do lie about there skills wich is funny... last time this kid was like 135 str what he said but got own in 3 hits.. -.- and din't hit above 30..

people do lie about it cause there noobs about it  :P


Yea i guess thats true. Oh well, no need for this topic anymore as it was resolved. Mod can you lock it? KTHXBAI

EDIT: oH crap i post-dug. My b.


Stat Spy works in Blitz now. 8)

Also we had a working highscores page for the really old 317 Blitz. I'll modify it and put it up for Blitz Beta tomorrow. :)
Triniboy: AllGoFree Staff don't get paid, they only get laid.