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suggestions by wayne!

Started by Fhillip, March 28, 2009, 03:17:26 AM

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Well Java and JavaScript are different things. ;)

But yes that value is the limit of a Java integer, which is what Jagex uses for item amounts. Sorry! :P
Triniboy: AllGoFree Staff don't get paid, they only get laid.

Banjo Hick

ok srry but i think they should come out with some new java, right?


Java isn't holding out on us, thats the maximum value it can handle.

Banjo Hick

ur lying, there letting you get more cash so you dont let us know, right? if that is so then i want in or im telling...


If you want to go and remake Java, go for it lol

Banjo Hick

well, i might have to do that, and i will make it so you can have exactly 69696969696969696969 gp


You have no idea how long something like that would take for one person to do. Plus all the required experience just to know what you're doing  :-\


Quote from: banjo hick on May 01, 2009, 12:19:26 AM
well, i might have to do that, and i will make it so you can have exactly 69696969696969696969 gp

Well, that would be cool to have that amout of money on worldscape. But as Ryan said, Java has it limits. If you do think Ryan is holding out on us, Why don't you show us the information about it and how to make it over come the limit of 2.147Billion.

Banjo Hick

the limit isnt 2.147bil its 2111111111 gp (2bil, 111mil, 111k, 111gp


The maximum value java can handle is 2,147,483,647, the 2.111B is just in WorldScape.

I konthaar I

Hmm very nice idea but you should add more monsters. Like the first two the 1st needs 1 slayer then 2nd 20 i think there could be one with 10 slayer needed on and like that.

::tele 2900 2900 will be for ever mine tele... (safe)

My pure :


In Blitz there should be all slayer monsters, not just a few. I say "should", because it might not be a definite thing get ;D


well i don't know but i think blitz is going to be the BOMB! it will have everything to worrie, all-go-free, has the best staff ever!! and ry is the best for coming up wiht blitz, and i hope it will come out soon!! can't wait~! :D


wat the hell are the thhhings thate say states are theyf or this game


Quote from: hellzfire on May 21, 2009, 10:44:06 PM
wat the hell are the thhhings thate say states are theyf or this game

Er..Makes no sense what you say.