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Voltimolt: Banner/Logo/Signatures! Requesting is: Closed

Started by Voltimolt, March 26, 2009, 12:33:37 AM

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Thanks Cavallers,


I would be happy to make you your banner if you at least post a background and the title because, I don't do Flashing ones no more.

Background URL: (Optional, if this is not included I will find a kewl one myself :) )
Border color:


Here is your banner:


hey volt i don't want to say what i want cause i dont know suprise me just make it say Chaoslancex with cool letters and just suprise me kk if you an thx  :D


Considering you and Cavallers are the best banner and logo makers possibly on these forums, I will sticky this post as I did Cavallers. ;)

Quote from: Bill on August 23, 2010, 07:55:43 PM
Quote from: Ry60003333 on August 22, 2010, 05:40:15 AM
Thanks! It feels great to finally get it up after all these years. 8)

pure skilla3

can you make me one?
backround colour:red

     ^^thats my rs acount up there^^
^^also my rs acount --'s arent ranked^^

^^now thats my ws acount


First off, I updated the first page.

And now I will start to keep the banners into a folder so that if you lose it, I'd be happy to give you the original one again.

Please Request again as the method has changed.

Oh, and thanks Bill.

m a d time

= If not Good enuf u can REPLACE
Main Text: Angel's Vengeance

Secondary Text: Live Forever

Primary Color: White

Secondary Color: Light Blue

it's for my up and coming Clan "Angel's Vengeance" Thx  ~M~
Well Because of bri and trini gettin testman i am permanant iped and test is making sure i stay banned by changing my pass aswell i wud like to say he needs to grow up and get a life.



The pictures are to small for my banner canvas size. But I will surprise you with something different.

You might get it later since I started a new project that I will be working on before you requested.

m a d time

Quote from: Voltimolt on June 09, 2009, 02:20:39 AM

The pictures are to small for my banner canvas size. But I will surprise you with something different.

You might get it later since I started a new project that I will be working on before you requested.

Ok sorry and thank you GL with both ~M~
Well Because of bri and trini gettin testman i am permanant iped and test is making sure i stay banned by changing my pass aswell i wud like to say he needs to grow up and get a life.


LOL get cs3 you can get more brushes for it and it has less bugs.
cs4 is a beta version and it has bugs

