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Started by Krest I V, July 16, 2013, 03:58:16 PM

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Krest I V

A bunch of items and even RuneCrafting require a quest to be finished to use them, but the quests don't appear to be doable.

l 1 v e

Hmm, getting quests added is a great idea imo.
Idk how hard it is to add them, but it would deffinetly be cool.

Krest I V

No, I'm saying that it's not possible (from what I've heard) to start RuneCrafting because there's a quest that needs to be done along with several items that need quests. I'm not opposed to adding the quests, but at the very least those should be removed as requirements

l 1 v e


This is an error on our part that will be fixed shortly.

Runerebels and Worldscape use the same database, so Worldscape will occasionally load the requirements for runerebels.

l 1 v e


Fixed for the next update. :)
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