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Started by X, March 12, 2012, 05:38:22 PM

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I've been starting to play this game again, trying to earn back what I have lost back in the past. Fishing rocktails for 2-3k each haha. Plan on getting Slayer and Dung up sometime....

I Merk

Nice account! How long does each invo take?


Around 10 minutes, but its about 60k each trip.


You all fap to Hannah Montana



Yeah I noticed that. I laughed a little lol

freak m4n

I fap to hannah montana, omg.

He's a psychic!!! :D

OT: Very nice account Alex. :)
Got the 100'000th post on the forums.


Are those female rock gorillas Oo?
You go Alex =)!
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WSB trailer-

â"Œâˆ©â"(●_●)â"Œâˆ©â"ï»¿ To all you nice pop song haters..