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funpk and picking up items

Started by nate, March 11, 2012, 12:59:25 AM

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1) i noticed that when you kill someone while they are teleporting, their items drop in the location they teleported to. But when people teleport after dying to funpk, the person who kills them gets money (just like if they killed people at funpk) instead of their items. really annoying because i would have 2 sigils instead of 1  ;D ;D

2) when you are trying to pick something up and you are being attacked, every time you are attacked the item list is automatically exicted out of.

This is / isn't a serious post

freak m4n

1) What do you want to say with this? You wrote a summary about the problem and not what the problem really is.

2) I've experienced this by myself as well. Kind of annoying indeed.
Got the 100'000th post on the forums.


1) This is on 317 also. It's good that the items go where they teleported, because they still lose their items and they deserve it for wimping out and teleporting.

2) Not this way on 317. Kinda annoying with an easy fix.
Dem digits

From his heights of wisdom he will look down on vain and agitated beings, as one who lives on a mountaintop looks down on those who live in the plains.