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Laptop battery

Started by D E A T H, November 26, 2011, 08:57:36 PM

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Does anyone know a good website or store to buy a laptop battery for a good price? I need it for my mom's old laptop to give to my dad for Xmas.Because well he gives my bros and I lot's of stuff and I think it's a change for that now! I also need windows 7 for the laptop. All help for this will help me and your heart :)

Quote from: Kryptonite on September 22, 2014, 05:13:18 PM
How do you have a picture of Ryan's fridge...?


Go to your manufacture's website, I'm sure they sell replacement parts. Then go to microsofts website to purchase Windows 7, or go to Office Max, Office Depot, Staples, or Best Buy.