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Started by I K3 Dubstep, November 15, 2011, 10:52:24 PM

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I K3 Dubstep

Nothing in life could prepare me for such unendingness.
The cadence of my heart began to swell as I beheld what no man had ever before.
A simplistic procedure now the bane of my entirety.
From sternum to pelvis, the incision cleaves the sky above the silent tomes within.
And my eyes beheld such vastness that I had never know before.
This madness thus made flesh beneath me stretches beyond comprehension.
"Do these mortal eyes deceive?" I question as I kneel before eternity.
By what hands and through what means was this monstrosity, this endlessness entombed beneath the flesh of a man?
This index of untold dimensions and length containing every moment and thought of not only he, but of we the entire race.
Our very existence cataloged like fables in paper and ink.
Can such a word callous hearts such as it now shall mine forever?
If we feeble things can call it such.
Enveloped in shadow, my heart in disarray, I descend through endlessness within.
My very purpose now in question for I remain so small amidst their glory (the stars).
The edge of the scalpel caresses my throat, a means to an end in fear of all I have known.
I have now only the screams of my former physical self.
The sound of its suffering comforts me for it is all I know in this infinite darkness
Truth is simple; mankind makes it complicated.

"The worst thing to call somebody is "crazy", it's dismissive. I don't understand this person, so they're crazy. That's bullshit. Cause people are not crazy, they're strong people. Maybe the environment is just a little sick."

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."