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REPORT (this is a huge one.)

Started by drag0np3t32, September 10, 2011, 09:16:29 AM

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In-game username: Drag0n p3t3
Reporting player: Skullowns\Xxmarck\Xxremco  (Quickowns might also be involved in this)
Rule broken: I honestly do not know. There are so many different things.
Time: 13:20 GMT time
Evidence: Ive put all of them in the attachments in order.
Miscellaneous: I have Gathered that Xxmarck, Xxremco and Skullownsz are all the same people in an attempt to scam people out of money and rares.
While i was playing yesterday, there was a new player, so i helped him out. i gave him rares and showed him good spots to help him train. He thought i was awsome. He then introduced me to his 'brother and his best friend'. I helped them too.
Cutting to the chase-

In Picture 1, it shows Xxmarck. He said he died in ::phat and he needed free items after he got 'lured' I was at the place at the time and there was no-one there. Then Suddenly Xxremco (his 'brother') logged in and started talking about him needing items. Note-They both have 'Xx' at the start of there names.

Picture 2- In this picture, it shows the text box with Xxmarck saying, "this is Skull". Meaning that Skull is now talking and not marck. This could be classed as account sharing. This is from suspicions from picture 1. He claimed before hand that skull was sitting next to him but later on he says he goes on there accounts while they are sleeping. I highly doubt this. I will prove it later.

Picture 3- This Picture shows that Apparently Xxremco hacked Skullownsz and Xxmarck and he goes on their accounts while they are away or sleeping. This can be classed as hacking. He says that he hates them for always killing him. Bringing you on to picture 4.

Picture 4- Cutting to it he says he 'hacked his brother and his brothers friends acc to get them banned, then his mission is complete'. Also, something fishy about this tells me that he could be misleading the evidence so he doesn't get his two main accounts banned 'Xxmarck and Skullownsz'. In Picture two he said that Skullownsz was next to him at the time, but then later confesses that he 'hacked' his account.

This could all be one person in a big 'Hoax' to try and scam items, money and rares. Me and 1 800 owned\brianc were both there at the time. He has pictures too. My recommended action would be to ip ban his connection to the site, as 1 800\brianc would also suggest it.

Sorry if i made this report too long, but there was a lot of things to cover.

I'm too cool to be blue :D



I believe that this player that is "hacking" should be action-ed against for breaking a major extreme rule. - No hacking your friends - / - No hacking anyone at all or you will get yourself throw in the grave with your computer -

I was here, as you see I'm in my full 3rd Aged Ranger gear, getting mad at this "Hacker" saying rude remarks.

I'm Brianc and I approve that this person trying to "Hack" is officially a "Noob" for trying to do such things.

Brian Crowell


Report locked, an investigation will take place.