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Forum Theme/Skin Suggestions

Started by Ry60003333, May 18, 2008, 07:49:46 PM

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If You Guys Need Help In Forum Skins You Have Found The Right Person. I Have Been Coding In SMF Forums For 2 Years And If You Need Me To Make A Skin I Am Gladly To Help. All I Need Is The Owners Trust To Make Me An Admin And I Will Surely Help. I Have Been Trying Not To Be Bored And I Also Have My Own Forum. I Can Change The Picture For Rants On The Forum And I Can Also Make A Good ShoutBox For Forums So Please If You Need Help Contact Me At  ;D

Triniboy, i know how to make the themes too...but i don't think Ry60003333 is going to give you over the forum to edit and set it up in your style just like that....maybe you should stick around for some time..and let people get to know you :-\ and let maybe Ry60003333 get to know you a lil...


And why is there CAPS in the words in the middle of the sentence? So what... I can code a forum. Which i did and its epic. lol. no, seriously.

Why Did You Type Like This In Ur Post That Theres Caps In The Middle Of The Sentences [caps]?[/caps]


some skins are cool but otthers pertty bad  :-\ but still like someone said WS the best privet server eva!!!!!
thanks for the respects guys


I noticed this sticky after I posted my idea, but you can go ahead and view it here,1346.0.html

pure skilla3

     ^^thats my rs acount up there^^
^^also my rs acount --'s arent ranked^^

^^now thats my ws acount


My suggestions.


Night Green
(Similar, just color change.)
Night Red

' Extreme 6
(These two are similar)

All these are cool. Would be fine with any.

Also another suggestion-

I think you should change the forum look monthly, just so we don't get bored with one.  ;D
I would be willing to post a topic 5-10 days before the end of each month with a poll asking which one is more favored throughout the Ws community. :o Just one thing I can do. Thought it was a good suggestion. No Pay Needed  ::)

Take this into mind,



I like the Extreme 6 theme the best.

dark feonix

Ok sorry way off topic but if i get in with a mod starting i would get it read more but anyways i think putting barrows and god wars with bandos is a really great idea. If everyone could get stuff like the corporeal beast it would be harder and way more fun with more people!!! :)

I Haz Str

Owner Of V I P


This topic was last posted on in July. I have already warned you once about grave digging, so stop it now.


well um for march you could put like a leprechaun on the page I dunno seems kinda right for the month
"Life ain't life if you don't live it!"- Max Lauser (me!)
" Life is full of secrets, sometimess you need to break the rules for what is right and to get answers!"- Max Lauser


06 vette

Try to make it flames!!

That will be cool.

Make it blue flames,
                          06 vette
All All~Go~Free Staff ROCKS! including the moderators.
06 vette

Leader of the Pazack Pouziack


Hi! No! Bye! Yes! Clueless? I Love You Sweetie Hmmmmmmm.... Cheese
Thebeatles(my account is worldscape)add me if you want.


You should make the forum layout Assassins creed2 or Cod mw2, Like change it up everyone now and then..I can make the Layouts if you want.