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Jack's Bank Sale

Started by Jack, June 19, 2011, 02:13:42 AM

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This is my Bank Sale Thread, I'm going to be selling the following items. When I've sold an item I'll strike it out. Happy Buying!

Pking Gear / Skilling Equipment
Rune Boots (x500,000)
Dharok's Platebody (x200,000)
Dharok's Platelegs (x200,000)
Verac's Platebody (x5,000)
Strength Amulet (x50,000)
Berserker Helm (x200,000)
Dragon Dagger(P++) (x20,000)
Choc-Ice (x1,000,000)
Abyssal Whip (x20,000)
Pumpkins (x10,000,000)
Prayer Potions (x500)
Strength Potion(3) (x2,000)
Zamorak Robes (x15,000)
Barrows Gloves (x2)
Obsidian Shield (x4)
Red Masks (x5,000)
Mithril Platebody (x10)
Green Partyhat (x5,000)
Yellow Partyhat (x5,000)
Magic Logs (x2,000)
Yew Logs (x400)
Mithril Ore (x100)
Adamant Ore (x30)
Experience Lamp (x2)

Black Platebody (x5)
Black Platelegs (x5)
Elemental Shield (x4)
White Claws (x2)
Lederhosen Set (x2)
Rogue Top (x2)
Rogue Trousers (x2)
White Platebody(x1)
White Platelegs (x1)

Princess Skirt (x2)
Princess Blouse (x2)
Prince Leggings (x1)
Prince Tunic (x2)
White Chainbody (x1)
Cooking Gauntlets (x2)
Desert Boots (x250)
Rat Pole (x1)
Zamorak Skirt (x1)
Mime Top (x1)


Ill buy all the white and rat pole, ill come in-game right now, and do you mean mime top instead of mine top?

Drunk Mario

I'll buy the white chainbody and the Prince tunic. If you will, save them for a couple days so I am able to get my items back?


Quote from: Connor on May 26, 2011, 12:13:30 PM
I wish it was possible to punch some through a computer screen.

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- Max combat achieved In-game
- Good banner maker
- #4 Overall

pure ownege

prince tunic and prince legging thanks i'll talk to you in game.


Quote from: brian on June 19, 2011, 11:47:35 AM
Ill buy all the white and rat pole, ill come in-game right now, and do you mean mime top instead of mine top?
Okay cool, I'll sell you that. Meet me on my account Jack. Just PM me and we can sort that out.

Quote from: Drunk Mario on June 19, 2011, 05:40:32 PM
I'll buy the white chainbody and the Price tunic. If you will, save them for a couple days so I am able to get my items back?
Sure, I'll save you them and meet me on my account Jack and we will meet and do the trade.

Quote from: pure ownege on June 19, 2011, 05:48:42 PM
prince tunic and prince legging thanks i'll talk to you in game.
Awesome, we did the trade successfully and it went smoothly. Thanks for shopping at Jack's Worldscape-Mart ;)

pure ownege

zammy skirt , mime top and prinsess please.


Quote from: pure ownege on June 20, 2011, 07:07:41 AM
zammy skirt , mime top and prinsess please.
Okay cool, meet me at Varrock Square.


I might want some of the skilling equipment, but due to technical issues, i think i'll meet you within a week or so :s.
'Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.' - Dr. Martin Luther King
Ryan, Jeremy, Jake, Jose, Kevin, Oscar, Wouter, Marcio, Andy, Alex, Alex[Kumkwat], Luke, Avery, Kyle, Mazen, Omar, Connor, Tyren, Amanda, Stephani, Maxi, Aaron, Jeremy(ramp), Sean, Ramón, Kevin(tom), Dylan, Ross, Bill, Maarten, RATMAN, COLESHOT, RYAN1, I HAZ BACKUP, White Angel,  ALL OF YOU ROCK THE WORLD AND MAKE ME FEEL ALIVE. Mo is what makes me feel.
My Skype username = Private! Get away :(
WSB trailer-

â"Œâˆ©â"(●_●)â"Œâˆ©â"ï»¿ To all you nice pop song haters..


Quote from: Dug on June 20, 2011, 10:06:54 AM
I might want some of the skilling equipment, but due to technical issues, i think i'll meet you within a week or so :s.
That's fine, just PM me when you want them and where to meet.


I'll take all the Rune boots if you still have and how much?

Quote from: Kryptonite on September 22, 2014, 05:13:18 PM
How do you have a picture of Ryan's fridge...?