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Your Banned (Game)

Started by kxdk, May 30, 2011, 03:16:22 AM

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Banned fir raging on the raged
Quote from: Sad Panda on March 08, 2011, 04:51:09 PM
No matter how wrong I am I, as a troll, am always right.


Banned because you banned you for raging the raged who I get him raged. =D

Drunk Mario

banned for saying (banned) so many times.

Quote from: Connor on May 26, 2011, 12:13:30 PM
I wish it was possible to punch some through a computer screen.

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Banned for banning me because I spam with topic with "Ban" word and you banned me because I banned you while i inserted lots of ban words to ban you! (PHEW)!


{Tony, what can I say}
{Your banned for banning so many people so many times}

{aka }

{Thank you Francis}


Banned like singing baa baa black sheep.


Banned for being leigh's noob brother.


banned for being the meanie joker


Banned because you made me a annoying Joker while I am not annoying.



Hey..Remove that please. -.- and no offencing words.
Banned for saying a bad word.


QuoteThe word "gay" arrived in English during the 12th century from Old French gai, most likely deriving ultimately from a Germanic source. For most of its life in English, the word's primary meaning was "joyful", "carefree", "bright and showy", and the word was very commonly used with this meaning in speech and literature.

Banned for taking it the wrong way.


LOL..Ok..Banned for banning me because I missunderstanded your banning reason.


You didn't say why you banned me. =D
Banned for loving boxxy.


Banned for mentioning he didn't ban you.