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Questioning The Question

Started by Bill, December 12, 2008, 11:50:06 PM

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Why is Mod Dichach never on?


You say Akon - I say Suicide Silence
You say 50 Cent - I say The Devil Wears Prada >>>>>> (BEST BAND EVER)
You say Jonas Brothers - I say August Burns Red
You say Miley Cyrus - I say As I Lay Dying
You say rap - I say rock
You say pop - I say hardcore
You say hip hop- I scream metalcore
92% of the teenage population has turned to rap, pop, and hip-hop. If you are one of the 8% who like to head-bang and disturb the peace then put this in your signature!


why can't mod dichach be on?

            mod dichach is a owner of worldscape, i don't know what he does.

Thank you to Zack who brought my suggestion to life. Subscribe to WorldscapeBlitz NOW!

Go here for a great theme. Credits to Zack.

   Fight my Brute YO!


Why don't you like when I'm on?




Thanks for the respect people! Glad to be a part of all go free!


Do you want me to Dichach you in the face?


You say Akon - I say Suicide Silence
You say 50 Cent - I say The Devil Wears Prada >>>>>> (BEST BAND EVER)
You say Jonas Brothers - I say August Burns Red
You say Miley Cyrus - I say As I Lay Dying
You say rap - I say rock
You say pop - I say hardcore
You say hip hop- I scream metalcore
92% of the teenage population has turned to rap, pop, and hip-hop. If you are one of the 8% who like to head-bang and disturb the peace then put this in your signature!


Do you want to take it up with Mr. Munchie?

Quote from: Bill on August 23, 2010, 07:55:43 PM
Quote from: Ry60003333 on August 22, 2010, 05:40:15 AM
Thanks! It feels great to finally get it up after all these years. 8)


Why would I take it up with Mr. Munchie isn't he the greatest?

You say Akon - I say Suicide Silence
You say 50 Cent - I say The Devil Wears Prada >>>>>> (BEST BAND EVER)
You say Jonas Brothers - I say August Burns Red
You say Miley Cyrus - I say As I Lay Dying
You say rap - I say rock
You say pop - I say hardcore
You say hip hop- I scream metalcore
92% of the teenage population has turned to rap, pop, and hip-hop. If you are one of the 8% who like to head-bang and disturb the peace then put this in your signature!

Volcanic Me

Why are we questioning each other's questions? O.O


You say Akon - I say Suicide Silence
You say 50 Cent - I say The Devil Wears Prada >>>>>> (BEST BAND EVER)
You say Jonas Brothers - I say August Burns Red
You say Miley Cyrus - I say As I Lay Dying
You say rap - I say rock
You say pop - I say hardcore
You say hip hop- I scream metalcore
92% of the teenage population has turned to rap, pop, and hip-hop. If you are one of the 8% who like to head-bang and disturb the peace then put this in your signature!

