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Attack Highscores
Rank Name Level XP
1805 Paniar 97 11,366,001
1806 Roytje558 97 11,345,751
1807 Milie196 97 11,341,501
1808 Omar32 97 11,337,751
1809 U Go Free 97 11,325,501
1810 ImCool 97 11,324,251
1811 Darktaco 97 11,270,501
1812 Oneshine 97 11,269,000
1813 1tz Sk11z 97 11,268,751
1814 Koolcat 97 11,258,001
1815 Death818728 97 11,243,251
1816 FinalKill 97 11,234,251
1817 Brentyosy007 97 11,232,251
1818 Killerman041 97 11,227,251
1819 Dragon888 97 11,213,751
1820 Pk Toxic Pk 97 11,211,001
1821 Change 97 11,188,001
1822 Qwerto0 97 11,174,501
1823 MilfSlayer69 97 11,164,251
1824 Dino272 97 11,144,001
1825 Saradoman 97 11,133,001
1826 Hansreidar1 97 11,118,751
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