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Overall Highscores
Rank Name Level XP
133 Sam5697 1642 1,765,404,613
134 Colin 1637 5,411,358,879
135 Bolle027 1631 720,281,081
136 Kchalo 1624 1,806,367,490
137 Leb Pker 1616 1,563,683,432
138 WARRIORS 1615 3,193,144,112
139 Pureprayer 1615 1,712,004,053
140 Dunkster89 1614 889,952,137
141 Bliksem269 1612 1,902,817,566
142 Divercity23 1612 1,031,796,192
143 Bryan K99 1611 687,197,317
144 Samii 1609 196,928,430
145 Drakedriller 1608 4,364,943,031
146 Lesly2 1607 212,042,430
147 XHNODx Jesse 1607 168,014,673
148 Rastanoob 1606 957,887,337
149 Iagorios 1606 261,800,074
150 Aelysial 1605 1,406,170,755
151 Mrl46 1605 574,138,462
152 Obby Pker 1604 1,257,433,139
153 Danny F 29 1604 1,009,975,023
154 Eteban125 1598 2,306,865,742
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