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Defence Highscores
Rank Name Level XP
1035 Dmi 97 11,485,501
1036 Killer 1 97 11,433,751
1037 Kind Jeff 97 11,417,751
1038 Darkplace2 97 11,416,251
1039 Dezzer30 97 11,381,251
1040 Dragon Lol U 97 11,377,251
1041 Gomey 97 11,361,751
1042 Bowwitharch9 97 11,320,751
1043 Obby Maulz 97 11,257,320
1044 Koopa 97 11,196,001
1045 LeBarbecue 97 11,178,501
1046 Epicturtle 97 11,138,001
1047 Supernova11 97 11,117,001
1048 Stavros 97 11,103,501
1049 Latino123 97 11,099,251
1050 Lionslash 97 11,080,751
1051 Im4everyoung 97 11,040,501
1052 Nerd-man 97 11,024,251
1053 Skiwi12 97 11,022,001
1054 Kevintje058 97 11,011,751
1055 XxlancexX 97 10,987,001
1056 Sisuonihg 97 10,983,751
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