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Herblore Highscores
Rank Name Level XP
419 Scully 33 19,276
420 XAxez 33 19,201
421 Giraffe 33 18,926
422 3rd Age 12 33 18,926
423 RorykShade 33 18,801
424 Kushmaster 33 18,526
425 DannyXD 33 18,526
426 Deadguy226 33 18,526
427 Undead Elf 33 18,501
428 SilentManiac 33 18,426
429 Jer Van Bre 32 17,976
430 Pkjadz 32 17,901
431 MrReddie209 32 17,876
432 Maggabagga1 32 17,801
433 Motocross159 32 17,701
434 Dragonest Ex 32 17,676
435 Martijn303 32 17,576
436 Heaven 32 17,551
437 Hassan144 32 17,501
438 Amanda Xo 32 17,501
439 Doc 32 17,501
440 Ukkkoh 32 17,226
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