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Fishing Highscores
Rank Name Level XP
265 L2pk Noob 100 15,082,501
266 DIAMONDGEEZA 100 14,935,001
267 St3f4n3 100 14,905,001
268 2dm0779 100 14,800,001
269 0ownage0 100 14,737,501
270 Rohas4 100 14,720,001
271 Dthys 100 14,658,751
272 Skillz1 100 14,642,501
273 Boer437 100 14,615,001
274 Katie Xx 100 14,522,501
275 The Big Bozz 100 14,522,501
276 Pirates 100 14,487,501
277 Ghost101 100 14,485,001
278 RAPAVARVAS 100 14,467,501
279 Drakedriller 100 14,450,001
280 ^Zezima^ 100 14,426,251
281 Take Notes 100 14,420,001
282 Kyle 100 14,417,501
283 Player ID 50054 100 14,417,501
284 Muslim1 100 14,412,501
285 Obetwo1 100 14,412,501
286 Maxedguy 100 14,397,501
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