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Attack Highscores
Rank Name Level XP
2619 The22be 90 5,430,501
2620 Thunderpure9 90 5,426,751
2621 Ludvik6 90 5,426,001
2622 XRareXCandyX 90 5,424,001
2623 Unorthadox 90 5,422,251
2624 Ultimate Nex 90 5,420,501
2625 Ludvik 90 5,420,501
2626 Chiroc6 90 5,416,251
2627 Cakeman 90 5,416,001
2628 Evoque 90 5,416,001
2629 Str135 90 5,414,001
2630 Mads1mads89 90 5,411,001
2631 Shooter 90 5,410,501
2632 Bulldoq DISABLED 90 5,410,001
2633 Finalspy 90 5,410,001
2634 Free For All 90 5,409,251
2635 HeavyB 90 5,409,001
2636 Justinb24 90 5,408,501
2637 Lameris132 90 5,406,501
2638 Steam Pk 90 5,405,251
2639 Whymewhy 90 5,404,501
2640 Dark Monkey 90 5,403,251
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